Discover She Births®: Experience less pain, transform fear and ensure a safer birth for mother and baby.
Research published in the British Medical Journal proved that She Births® :
reduces epidural by 65%
reduces c-section by 44%
reduces resuscitation of babies by 53%
reduces perineal trauma by 12%
reduces second stage labour by approx. 32 minutes
She Births® was created with wisdom by internationally recognised doula and prenatal yoga teacher, Nadine Richardson. The comprehensive and evidence based childbirth and early parenthood program is founded on three pillars: knowledge, inner strength and outer support.
95% of our mamas report a deeper connection with their partners and more effective communication with their caregivers.
98% of our families say our program allowed them to create a beautiful birth, no matter what unfolded; we even cover how to create a family centred c-section birth.
What does the groundbreaking She Births® App offer you, mama?
An archive of Free Resources including positive birth stories, interviews with relevant industry experts, podcasts, events and the latest research. It’s the essential companion App for anyone completing a face-to-face She Births® course.
Our Intro Course allows you to enjoy free videos and visualisations. You will learn about active birthing, yoga, massage, nutrition, acupressure, breathing, relaxation, effective partner support, and so much more.
Completion of our Full Online Program includes video, reading, checklists and cheat sheets, access to fortnightly expert forums, prenatal yoga class and a worldwide community of like-minded families.
Breakdown: Four modules average 2.5 hours each. Further additional modules allow you to continue learning all the way to due date with bonus videos and expert forums.
Module 1
Nutrition, Anatomy & Physiology, Active Birthing & Yoga for optimal positioning, transforming fear + More
Module 2
Breathing, Visualisation, Massage and Acupressure techniques for effective pain relief and natural induction + More
Module 3
Stages of labour, Birth Preferences, Conscious decision-making + More
Module 4
Breastfeeding, Conscious Parenting + More
The She Births® program will change the way you think about birth - we guarantee it.